Music Programmes
In Jurong West Primary School (JWPS), we believe that every child is musical and that they have the capability to learn the elements and concepts of music successfully so as to enjoy/create music with deeper appreciation, understanding and applications.
The department aims to get all children on board to embrace music as part of their daily lives, to become life-long active learners, practitioners, patrons and supporter of music with the ability to exert a positive influence on people around them.
Curriculum / pedagogical approach
Music curriculum in JWPS are designed and delivered guided by the following over-arching approaches: Exposure, Concept and Application.
Throughout their 6 years in JWPS, the children are exposed to various instruments with different timbres. Singing activities also permeate the 6-year music curriculum. Through these activities, music elements and concepts are weaved. Opportunities are provided, where appropriate to allow children to apply what they had learnt in the classroom.
Learn to play:
Ukulele (2-year cycle),
Xylophones (2-year cycle),
Resonator bells
Classroom percussion instruments e.g. triangle, castanets, shakers, claves etc.
Learn to sing in: unison, canon, solo or in parts, partner songs
Recess Interlude / Active Recess
Performances by students during their own recess timing on volunteer basis.
Music instruments with various resources are also placed at designated corner of the school for students to engage in music making on their own.